Are you tired of feeling ashamed, guilty, or dirty in your dating & sex life because of beliefs you no longer hold as your own?


How to Embrace Pleasure & Find Sexual Freedom After Purity Culture from a licensed therapist specializing in religious trauma

In less than an hour, youโ€™ll uncover my 3-part roadmap to not only rejecting purity culture, but shaking off the shame for good so you can enter your sexual liberation era.


โŒ Were taught your worth is dependent on your sexual history

โŒ Feel dirty having sex, despite your desire

โŒ Feel ashamed for enjoying sex or anything surrounding it

โŒ Have ever felt sexually shamed by your partner

โŒ Are struggling to know how to reclaim your sexuality

This class is for you.

I know youโ€™ll leave with renewed confidence that a different reality is possible for you as you dismantle shame and step into freedom after dismissing the purity culture you were raised in.


โœ“ What purity culture wants you to believe & how to dismantle it

โœ“ How to set the stage for safe & enjoyable exploration

โœ“ How you can take agency over your relationship with your body & sex
(and keep it, for good)

Iโ€™m Hannah Brents!

Owner of Safe Talk Therapy and trauma specialist behind Theology Therapist.

Iโ€™ve dedicated my work to helping millennials reimagine their life in light of their own beliefs.

Specifically, I help you unpack and work through your own religious trauma and deconstruct the indoctrination thatโ€™s holding you back from living the life that aligns with your truth.

Or, in other words, I help you date and have sex after separating yourself from high-demand religion without feeling guilty all the time.

Iโ€™ve got a lot of letters behind my name: LICSW, MSW, MTS
(Iโ€™m even a 200 hour yoga instructor and meditation instructor)

All of that means Iโ€™ve spent a lot of time in books, study, and in DEEP contemplation about the meaning I hold for my life here on earth and after.

It was ironically during my theological studies that I both deconstructed my past faith and reconstructed my new version of spirituality.

Iโ€™ve been through the bodily confusion, the pinball of brain beliefs, and the overall โ€œfoundation crumblingโ€ feeling that comes with realizing what you grew up believing is not what you want to move forward with.

And although I donโ€™t think youโ€™re ever COMPLETELY on the other side, I will say that now I live a life of carefree travel, alignment, and a continuous dismantling of expectations placed on my life by anyone but me.

I align my life by the Italian motto:
the sweetness of doing nothing.

A guiding light that my own former high control religion background would never dare to dream about.

Because thereโ€™s nothing more antithetical to purity culture than soaking in pleasure for no reason except that you can.

And now I get to support clients with religious trauma to reclaim and strengthen their โ€œI have a choice in this lifeโ€ muscles, too.

My primary mission is to make space for you to figure out your new value systems, irrespective of my beliefs.

So, will I tell you what I believe? No.

But I will help you come to terms with what YOU want to believe.

Then, together weโ€™ll uncover a path for you to start living in alignment with whatever YOU decide.

And I canโ€™t wait to help you walk into that light of life.