Religious Trauma Therapist in Austin


Ever wish you could date + have sex without the baggage?

If only there was someone to guide you through itโ€ฆ

Oh wait, there is!

Itโ€™s me, hi ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป Hannah Brents, trauma therapist and theologian.

I was an angry ex-fundie for years until I, well, quite frankly got tired of being angry. And after years of working with other ex-fundies and people deconstructing their faith, Iโ€™m confident Iโ€™m not the only one. 

With this philosophy, I help tired-of-being-angry, still-spiritually-curious millennials date + have sex with confidence, instead ofโ€ฆ

โœ˜ Trying to live up to an impossible standard 

โœ˜ Trying to fill a role you donโ€™t fit into

โœ˜ Gaslighting yourself into what you "should" do

โœ˜ Being in relationships that arenโ€™t aligned with your identity or values.


Real Talk: Sex Did NOT Come Naturally to Me

My Story

I had a late sexual debut in my mid-20s because I literally could not get my body to cooperate. It was still conditioned to behave according to the indoctrinated purity culture beliefs long after I didnโ€™t believe them anymore.

{ cue: robot mode }

Realizing the first time I had sex that it wasnโ€™t the โ€œitโ€ purity culture made it out to be forced me to take an active role in redefining it for myself. 

โžฅ My biggest take home message? 
โžฅ How do I want to communicate? 
โžฅ How is this for my partner? 
โžฅ Who am I in sex? 
โžฅ What do I like?
โžฅ Am I safe? 

These questions all matter more than whether purity culture would approve.

So maybe your journey looks less like robot mode, and more like:

โœ“ Feeling frozen at the idea of or during sex 

โœ“ Nothing about physical intimacy feels natural to you

โœ“ Dating all the wrong people 

โœ“ Disconnected from your body and no idea what you like

Take home is the same: Sex is about being fully embodied as an active participant

Step into your sexual liberation era.


I learned the security that comes from a loving, committed partner the long way. 

Yep, thatโ€™s right. 500 miles to be exact. 

I was deep in app dating when I left on a solo trip to walk the Camino de Santiago, without a guidebook in sight. I met my now-husband on day 4 and we walked the better part of 4 weeks together. 

We walked from completely different backgrounds, countries, languages, ideas about God and religion, and dating histories, and walked toward a deep love and respect that is founded, not on what we agree on, but on the freedom in loving each other.

That freedom in dating and sex is exactly what Iโ€™ve helped countless clients with in individual therapy and therapy intensives over the years in my private practice, Safe Talk Therapy. 

Our freedom approach
to sex and relationships

helps millennials like YOU drop the guilt and shame so that you can date + have sex with confidence


  • โ€œHannah, youโ€™re brilliantโ€ฆbut your pop culture knowledge is a D- at best.โ€

  • โ€œI feel like you made a connection to something I hadnโ€™t yet begun to connect in myself.โ€

  • โ€œThank you for helping me process my faith transition!โ€

Obsessive, novice knitter

Knitting is at once my main coping skill, an after dinner past time, and ethically sourced clothing. Canโ€™t stop. wonโ€™t stop.

Friends & 90s romcoms

Is it anxiety that makes me prefer the same show and movies over and over that Iโ€™ve always loved? Maybe. Am I mad about it? Nope.

Chips & salsa is my kryptonite 

What can I say? Iโ€™m from Texas. I have no willpower. 

Croissants & cappuccinos

Whenever Iโ€™m in Europe I eat my weight in croissants and cappuccinos. From my POV,  I left home and family so it is my god-given right to eat them every day. Maybe even two ๐Ÿ˜‰

Little Known Facts About Hannah

(that everyone probably already knows)


Are we the perfect TSwift combo for your new era? 

Your sexual liberation era

You bring your determination to leave behind all the crap thatโ€™s no longer serving you.

Iโ€™ll bring my clinical expertise to help your body and brain get on the same page

Together, weโ€™ll redefine what healthy sexuality and romance looks like for you so you can confidently cultivate the sex and relationships you yearn for.