The One Quiz You Should Take to Know What Religious Trauma Symptoms Feel Like


Have you found yourself Googling, “How do I know if I have religious trauma? Scrolling through page after page, hoping to find the one thing you need to confirm if what you’re going through is due to religious indoctrination or a different mental health condition.

In the pursuit of defining  your experience, there are various approaches that you can attempt. However, there’s one thing that stands out as particularly effective in knowing if what you’re experiencing qualifies as religious trauma: a quiz, written by a licensed therapist with a master's degree in religious studies.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the challenges of finding competent and qualified support for religious trauma and why starting small can actually be the best way to get started. 

Through understanding and harnessing the power of emotional intelligence, you can gain insight into how religious indoctrination translates to everyday life, make a plan for gathering support, and ultimately embark on a journey towards healing and growth. 

Whether you're absolutely certain it was religion that hurt you or you’re still knee deep in the community and not sure where to go from here, embracing this approach will empower you to confidently know what your next step should be.

First, what is the Religious Trauma Syndrome Quiz?

Are you familiar with religious trauma syndrome? If not, don’t worry – we’re going to break it down.

In its simplest terms, it is a short, engaging set of questions that depicts various situations, thoughts, or feelings that could be caused by religious trauma. Picture it as your beloved personality quiz, but at the end, instead of finding out which Disney princess you are most similar to, you find out whether your past religious experiences are negatively impacting you.

For those who have more experience with or understanding of religious trauma syndrome, this translates to a practical, personalized method for putting language to your experience. It's like uncovering hidden shortcuts in a familiar landscape.

Now, imagine how integrating your results from the Religious Trauma Syndrome Quiz can revolutionize your journey in recovering from religious trauma. From knowing you’re not the only one who is going through something similar to the personalized resources afterward, it's a game-changer.

Here are some key insights to consider:

Consider these insights as we delve deeper into the transformative power of the Religious Trauma Syndrome Quiz.

How You Can Use The Religious Trauma Syndrome Quiz to Validate Your Experience

You might be thinking, “It wasn’t that bad” or “I wasn’t physically or sexually abused so does it count?”

The answer is a resounding “Yes!” 

Let me share how you can implement what you learn in the Religious Trauma Syndrome Quiz to validate the impact your experience had or is having on you:

When I began my journey healing from religious trauma, I was in a similar boat as you. Everyone around me seemed fine. I was angry at the discrimination I'd experienced, weighed down by the shame of purity culture, and living my life according to church teachings that I wasn’t sure I believed in anymore. Enter the freedom of calling a spade a spade. It wasn't an overnight transformation, but labeling my experience as traumatic gradually led me to healing by:

  • Accepting my experience without trying to change it

  • Find qualified support to help me process religious indoctrination

  • Gather around me a diverse community of people who love and support me without strings attached

Use this Religious Trauma Quiz to Start Your Healing Journey in 5 Actionable Steps

Let's break it down into actionable steps you can implement right away:

  • Journal Reaction: Begin by writing down in your notes app or a journal your immediate response to your quiz results–what emotions, thoughts, or physical sensations do you notice. Remember, your results are just words on a page until you do something with them.

  • Educate Yourself: Dive deeper into religious trauma by reading this article (link to Everything You Need to Know About Religious Trauma and Deconstructing Faith). Knowledge empowers you to discern whether your thoughts and actions are aligned with your values or with religious conditioning.

  • Community Inventory: Avoid thinking that you’re immune to your community’s religious influence. Take inventory of your community by assessing if you feel safe; drained or energized; encouraged to conform or be your natural self.

  • Avoid Negativity: Refrain from getting caught up in the negative story spiral. Instead, choose an accurate affirmation to ground you, like “My experience is valid” or “This hurt is valid.”

  • Seek Support: Reach out to a supportive friend or a therapist. Sharing your journey with others validates and normalizes your experience. If you're looking for personalized support, feel free to schedule a free 15 minute consultation call with me (for Florida, Massachusetts, and Texas residents only).

Challenge yourself to implement at least one of these steps before closing this tab and doom scrolling on Tiktok. Share your chosen step and progress in the comments below. 

Empower Your Journey Towards Healing From Religious Trauma

As we wrap up our exploration of the Religious Trauma Syndrome Quiz, I want to leave you with one powerful message: the 3 minutes you spend on this quiz could be the most life changing 180 seconds of your life if you let it.

From validating your experience to educating yourself on religious trauma, you are now equipped with the tools you need to know if your unique situation matches with religious trauma syndrome. Starting with something simple, like a quick quiz, can start you off on the right foot on your healing journey. Not only will you now have language to put to your experience, but you will receive personalized recommendations on the next best steps to take.

But why stop here? Dive even deeper into religious trauma and unlock further secrets to success. 

To guide you on your path, I've crafted an exclusive free quiz designed to complement what you’ve learned in this blog post.


The Ins and Outs of Purity Culture Trauma for Millennials